5 Key Pest Locations Around The Home

5 Key Pest Locations Around The Home

We have more than our fair share of wildlife and that includes a long list of pests, which can suddenly arrive without warning and set up home in your home. Of course, the best way to deal with household pests is to call in a local pest control company. However, if you would like to know where they like to hang out in our homes, here are a few favourite locations for the long list of pests that could invade your property.

Unused Rooms

These elusive creatures are like nothing better than a room that’s never used. If you suspect a rodent infestation in your spare room, contact a leading firm offering building and pest inspection Sunshine Coast relies on as they have all the solutions. Any area of your property that is rarely visited would be of high interest to most pests, so do carry out a thorough inspection inside and out.

The Kitchen

Of course, the very source of food makes the perfect place to look. Under appliances and inside cabinets deserve a look with a torch. Should you see mice droppings, it’s time to call out the local pest control people, as they have all the solutions. Under the fridge is likely to be home to small chunks of food and they need to be removed by some means. A powerful vacuum would be ideal if the appliance is heavy, and you don’t want to damage the floor. Check everywhere and carry out a deep clean at the same time.


The summer is the time when creatures look to set up a new home and they don’t require the heat like in winter. The outside is often preferable for many species, such as bees, wasps and hornets. Walk around the garden, looking for concealed spaces that haven’t been disturbed since last summer and you may find a home, or at least, evidence that shows pests are around.

Guttering & Downpipes

Snakes like to make a winter home in roof guttering, as do bees and wasps, while squirrels often use these as roads. Contact your local roofing contractor and ask him to clean out the guttering, which is part of the roof inspection package you should commission every year. The guttering is an essential escape route for excess rainwater and if it becomes blocked, water will run down the exterior walls, causing damage.

The Garage

It is a likely venue for a pest home, especially if you only use the garage for parking the car and there are corners that are undisturbed. Spiders are high on the list of potential occupants, and we all know how dangerous they can be! Take the car out and remove everything, taking care when lifting things and clean the floor before replacing items, as this will act as a deterrent.

Areas that are quiet and dark are high-risk zones and add to that some moisture and you have the ideal pest environment. Ask your local pest control company to do an annual inspection, which will deter any potential pest invasion and your summer will be pest-free.